Kelsey and Aaron

Kesley & Aaron Love was in the air as Nelly took the stage and these two began to chat it up at Summerfest seven years back. Aaron sneakily “hid” an engagement ring in a decked out Harry Potter box and knew she’d find it. Sure enough, she opened it and turned to see him down…

Katie and Mark

Katie & Mark As Mark passed Katie in Track & Field practice, he smoothly said, “how much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. I’m Mark.” And they lived happily ever after… or almost. They saw each other here and there after high school and guys, take notes because here comes Mark’s…

Cori & Chris

Cori & Chris This blog boasts amazing Madison scenes and the most genuinely sweet couple you’ll ever meet. After seven years of blissful happiness, Cori and Chris shared a truly special ceremony, followed by fun photos with some of their all-time favorite people at the Capitol. They wrapped up the evening with their guests swooning…